PCB Assembly Service FAQ
Functional testing sample test instructions
HQ NextPCB can perform functional testing on PCBA orders for prototype, small batch and mass production volumes. To help you get an idea of what a functional test case looks like, we have prepared some examples below. Testing can be as simple as a ...
Clarification on Price Differences
Q1: Why might there be a price difference after payment? A1: Price differences may occur for several reasons, including: 1.Increased Processing Fees During File Review The initial price is calculated by our system, but some processes may not be fully ...
How to get extra fast PCB Assembly?
HQ NextPCB's turnkey PCB assembly service can produce fully assembled PCBs from 5 working days by sourcing from HQ Online. For turnkey PCB assembly abroad, the slowest part of the production cycle, and the cause of most long waiting times is ...
How to export centroid files (XY/pick and place files) for PCB assembly?
Centroid files are also known as pick & place files, XY files, component placement files, SMT files. These are required for HQ NextPCB PCB Assembly orders except if all the parts on the board are through-hole parts. Here we made some gifs to show how ...
PCBA Delivery Time Explanation
Our standard production cycle typically takes 25 to 30 days. This timeframe is based on ideal conditions, assuming there are no additional issues during the production process and that we can promptly respond to engineers' questions. In the ...
I would like some boards on a panel to have different parts assembled while others are not assembled. How should I fill out the order form?
Once you have finished specifying the parameters for the PCB, you can then select the quantity of PCBA.
How long is the lead time for PCB Assembly (PCBA) orders?
After DFA review has been completed, the lead time for HQ NextPCB PCB assembly (PCBA) orders is around 7 business days if all the parts are from HQ Online and around 20 business days if not. The lead time may be affected by the PCB production time ...
Can I send components to NextPCB directly? (Consigned Parts)
In addition to turnkey PCBA services, HQ NextPCB supports consigned components i.e. components that are provided by the customer instead of being procured by NextPCB, for a small fee. This is useful if certain parts are hard to source or have a ...
PCB Assembly Files Explanation
For PCB Assembly, 3 files are required at the very least to ensure we can assemble your boards. They are the PCB Gerber files, Bill of Materials (BOM) and centroid data. 1. What is a PCB Gerber file? Gerber is the de-facto standard for representing ...